2 juillet 2011

03 - story of Diamiano

               It was late afternoon and sun started to go down - everything looked like a masterpiece painting. Sun painted everything with orange color. Damiano De Luca walked in his garden and drank expensive Brunello di Montalcino wine - he loved this place which air was filled with aroma of citrus fruits and roses. He did not regret that he left his previous life in Chicago. Damiano missed his daughter Camille very much, though and it broke his heart that she didn't answered his letters. A single letter! At first De Luca was very angry at her - how she dares not to respond to her own father, it's such an disrespectful gesture! But then he tried to understood her - it was him who burned the bridge and left his wife and only child with no explanation back in the day. He, and few his close friends, only knew why.

Don De Luca was a very respectable man in a small Lecce town. He had not disappointed a single man or woman in this land; he was very smart, generous and thoughtful. He earned all that respect with his hard work. Of course, every one of us has their different story, and as we know every story has it's dark side.

1 commentaire:

Mon. a dit…

sveika! Keep on writing, tikrai super susiskaito :}}